Welcome to the Optimal Health Counseling Guided Meditations for Mind, Body, and Soul.
These guided meditations are a gateway to inner exploration and a deeper connection with your authentic self.

Created and narrated by yours truly, Katie LaRue, these sessions are a testament to the power of mindfulness, spirituality, and self-acceptance.

Each meditation is a unique journey, designed to enhance your mental clarity, emotional balance, and spiritual connection. Whether you're seeking tranquility, personal growth, or a deeper connection with your inner self, these guided meditations are your pathway to Optimal Health.

Join me on a profound journey of self-discovery.

Guided Meditations

the word "forgiveness" spelled out with Scrabble tiles on an off white surface with white background wall and flowers just behind the tiles

The first in the Guided Meditations series, this guided meditation focuses on forgiveness.
Forgiveness allows us to heal emotionally and release stored negative emotions like anger, resentment, and pain — in its many forms. This is a valuable tool for anyone seeking peace and resolution within themselves and with others.

Active Meditations

Active meditation is a form of meditation involving physical or mental activity, such as walking, cycling, yoga, or focused breathing.  It provides a unique way to achieve mindfulness and reap the benefits of meditation while remaining more active and engaged.

Active meditation can benefit those who seek a more dynamic and energizing meditation experience and may not resonate with the traditionally calming and gentle styles of meditation.

Those who struggle with sitting still for extended periods in traditional meditation can find active meditation more accessible, as the movement or focus involved can serve as an anchor for their attention.

Some people may find that alternating between traditional, relaxed meditation and active meditation offers a well-rounded approach to mindfulness and relaxation.

People with mobility issues or physical discomfort may find active meditation a more suitable practice as well.

Let’s debunk the myth that there is only one type of meditation.

A person joyfully jumping on a mountain plateau overlooking a large valley with river at the bottom.

The first in the Active Meditations series, this meditation focuses on forgiveness and is set to music that is much livelier and more engaging than you’d expect to find in a traditional meditation.
Forgiveness allows us to heal emotionally and release stored negative emotions like anger, resentment, and pain-in its many forms. This is a valuable tool for anyone seeking peace and resolution within themselves and with others.